So the shower was unbelievable! It was the prettiest thing ever. I am so blessed on how many people were there and how generous everyone was to Josh and I in their gifts. My mom was so creative with different games and ideas. All of the center pieces on the tables were hanging plants. She was raffling them off. the tickets were a dollar a piece and the money went towards our honeymoon. So clever!
She also made wedding bingo for the gifts. After I would open a present, I would have to yell what it was and people would look to see if the item was on their bingo card. Several people won prices! it was a fun way for guest to enjoy watching the presents be open.
My mom and Aunt Lynn presented this poem of how Josh and I met and our journey together. In the story she used a bunch of cleaning product names and held them up when she said the word. (bounty, fantastic, swept, Mr. clean, resolve, pledge) It is hard to explain but it was the cutest thing ever. I will have to post the story.
This is my mom and I. She gave me the most beautiful shower! It was so amazing. It was at a really nice country club in Farmingdale, New Jersey. With all of the ribbon from the gifts, my sister's made my wedding veil for the rehearsal. (it is really heavy).

My bridal party...all but one (my girlfriend Kristen was extremely ill and was unable to make it) So glad it was nothing too serious. I love them all!

I had a lot of reminders of where I come from. I got a lot of things that had Jersey written all over it! You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take the Jersey out of the girl.
My Amazing cake...Showers of Happiness!
Me and little Chad...So cute!
My two cousin from Atlanta, So glad that they were there. the one in the white shirt next to me is in the wedding, Ashlyn!
All of my Randle girl cousins and sisters. It was so nice to have them all there!